Online Audio

Online Audio

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
04/05/20 The 4 Gospels: Works and Faith Gil Bremseth Bible Class The Four Gospels Sun Bible Study 040620_GBremseth_TheFourGospels_WorksAndFaith.mp3
04/05/20 God Shakes Our Soul! James Majors Sermon N/A Sun PM 040620_JMajors_GodShakesOurSoul.mp3
04/01/20 Discipleship: Our Burden Oran Cogdill Bible Class Discipleship Wed Bible Study 040520_OCogdill_OurBurden.mp3
03/29/20 Rejoice! Gil Bremseth Sermon N/A Sun AM 032920_GBremseth_Rejoice.mp3
03/29/20 Devotional Congregation Song Service Devotional Singing 032920_DevotionalSongService.mp3
03/29/20 Walking on Water Gil Bremseth Bible Class The Four Gospels Sun Bible Study 032920_GBremseth_TheFourGospels_JesusWalksOnWater.mp3
03/22/20 Jesus feeds the 5000 Gil Bremseth Bible Class The Four Gospels Sun Bible Study 032220_GBremseth_TheFourGospels_JesusFeedsThe5000.mp3
03/22/20 A Church That Honors God James Majors Sermon N/A Sun AM 032220_JMajors_AChurchThatHonorsGod.mp3
03/22/20 Eli Eli, Lama Sabachthani (Matt 27:46) Gil Bremseth Sermon N/A Sun PM 032220_GBremseth_EliEliLamaSabachthani.mp3
03/18/20 Introduction to Luke and Acts, continued James Majors Bible Class Luke and Acts Wed Bible Study 031820_JMajors_LukeActsIntroduction_2.mp3
03/15/20 Jesus and the 12 preach the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand Gil Bremseth Bible Class The Four Gospels Sun Bible Study 031520_GBremseth_TheFourGospels_JesusAndApostlesPreachingKingdomOfHeaven.mp3
03/15/20 This, That & the Other: "We are a fragrance of Christ to God" Gil Bremseth Sermon This, That and the Other Sun AM 031520_GBremseth_ThisThatAndTheOther_WeAreAFragranceOfChristToGod.mp3
03/15/20 The Faith of Elijah Mike Stepke Sermon N/A Sun PM 031520_MStepke_ElijahsFaith.mp3
03/11/20 Introduction to Luke and Acts James Majors Bible Class Luke and Acts Wed Bible Study 031120_JMajors_IntroductionToLukeAndActs.mp3
03/08/20 Matt 13:54 Jesus Teaches About the Kingdom Gil Bremseth Bible Class The Four Gospels Sun Bible Study 030820_GBremseth_TheFourGospels_MattCh13v54_JesusTeachesTheKingdom.mp3
03/08/20 Teaching Our Children About God... THAT'S Our Job! Gil Bremseth Sermon This, That and the Other Sun AM 030820_GBremseth_ThisThatAndTheOther_TeachingOurChildrenOfGodThatIsOurJob.mp3
03/08/20 Vanities: "Hear Then the Words of the Preacher" Gil Bremseth Sermon N/A Sun PM 030820_GBremseth_Vanities_HearThenTheWordsOfThePreacher.mp3 030820_GBremseth_ThisThatAndTheOther_TeachingOurChildrenOfGodThatIsOurJob-1583910125.mp3
03/04/20 Hebrews Refresher, part 2 James Majors Bible Class Hebrews Wed Bible Study 030420_JMajors_Hebrews_RefresherPart2.mp3
03/01/20 Matt 9:27 - Jesus heals the blind Gil Bremseth Bible Class The Four Gospels Sun Bible Study 030120_GBremseth_TheFourGospels_MattCh9v27.mp3
03/01/20 "Do you believe that I am able to do THIS?" Gil Bremseth Sermon This, That and the Other Sun AM 030120_GBremseth_ThisThatAndTheOther_DoYouBelieveThatICanDoThis.mp3
03/01/20 Working God's Way - Rebuilding the Wall James Majors Sermon N/A Sun PM 030120_JMajors_WorkingGodsWay.mp3
02/26/20 Hebrews Refresher, part 1 James Majors Bible Class Hebrews Wed Bible Study 022620_JMajors_Hebrews_RefresherPart1.mp3
02/23/20 Temptation and Trial Gil Bremseth Sermon N/A Sun AM 022320_GBremseth_TemptationAndTrial.mp3
02/23/20 Luke 8:40-56 -- The Woman Healed by Touching the Fringe of Jesus' Cloak Gil Bremseth Bible Class The Four Gospels Sun Bible Study 022320_GBremseth_TheFourGospels_LukeCh8v40_56.mp3
02/19/20 Hebrews 13:20-25 James Majors Bible Class Hebrews Wed Bible Study 021920_JMajors_Hebrews_Ch13v20_25.mp3

Displaying 976 - 1000 of 1107

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