Bible Classes

Bible Classes

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
09/29/21 The Book of John: Ch.5 - The Healing at Bethesda Gil Bremseth The Book of John Livestream - Wednesday Evening 092921_GBremseth_TheBookOfJohn_TheHealingAtBethesda.mp3
09/26/21 The 4 Gospels: Lessons from Zacchaeus Gil Bremseth The Four Gospels Sun Bible Study 092621_GBremseth_TheFourGospels_LessonsFromZacchaeus.mp3
09/19/21 The 4 Gospels: Bartimaeus and Zacchaeus Gil Bremseth The Four Gospels Sun Bible Study 091921_GBremseth_TheFourGospels_BartimaeusAndZaccheus.mp3
09/15/21 The Book of John: Ch.4 - Healing the Nobleman's Son Gil Bremseth The Book of John Wed Bible Study 091521_GBremseth_TheBookOfJohn_HealingTheNoblemansSon.mp3
09/12/21 The 4 Gospels: Who Will Sit on Jesus' Right and Left Hand in the Kingdom? Gil Bremseth The Four Gospels Sun Bible Study 091221_GBremseth_TheFourGospels_WhoWillSitOnJesusRightAndLeftHandInTheKingdom.mp3
09/08/21 The Book of John: Ch.4 - Sowing and Reaping in the Fields White for Harvest Gil Bremseth The Book of John Wed Bible Study 090821_GBremseth_TheBookOfJohn_SowingAndReapingInTheFieldsWhiteForHarvest.mp3
09/05/21 The 4 Gospels: The Laborers in the Vineyard Gil Bremseth The Four Gospels Sun Bible Study 090521_GBremseth_TheFourGospels_TheLaborersInTheVineyard.mp3
09/01/21 The Woman at the Well Gil Bremseth The Book of John Wed Bible Study 090121_GBremseth_TheBookOfJohn_TheWomanAtTheWell.mp3
08/29/21 The 4 Gospels: Jesus Answers the Wealthy Young Man Gil Bremseth The Four Gospels Sun Bible Study 082921_GBremseth_TheFourGospels_JesusAnswersTheWealthyYoungMan.mp3
08/22/21 The 4 Gospels: Jesus Says to Let the Children Come to Him Gil Bremseth The Four Gospels Sun Bible Study 082221_GBremseth_JesusSaysToLetTheChildrenComeToHim.mp3
08/18/21 The Book of John: Ch.4 - Jesus Speaks to the Samiritan Woman at the Well Gil Bremseth The Book of John Wed Bible Study 081821_GBremseth_BookOfJohn_JesusSpeaksToTheSamaritanWomanAtTheWell.mp3
08/15/21 The 4 Gospels: Jesus Teaches About Divorce Gil Bremseth The Four Gospels Sun AM 081521_GBremseth_TheFourGospels_JesusTeachesOnDivorce.mp3
08/11/21 The Book of John: Ch.3 - Jesus Teaches Nicodemus Gil Bremseth The Book of John Wed Bible Study 081121_GBremseth_BookOfJohn_JesusAndNicodemusDiscussTheKingdom.mp3
08/08/21 The 4 Gospels: Two Parables Gil Bremseth The Four Gospels Sun Bible Study 080821_GBremseth_TheFourGospels_TwoParables.mp3
08/04/21 The Book of John: Ch.3 - The New Birth Gil Bremseth The Book of John Wed Bible Study 080421_GBremseth_BookOfJohn_TheNewBirth.mp3
08/01/21 The 4 Gospels: When is the Day of the Son of Man? Gil Bremseth The Four Gospels Sun Bible Study 080121_GBremseth_TheFourGospels_WhenIsTheDayOfTheSonOfMan.mp3
07/18/21 The Book of John: Ch.2 - Jesus Cleanses the Temple Gil Bremseth The Book of John Wed Bible Study 071421_GBremseth_BookOfJohn_JesusCleansesTheTemple.mp3
07/18/21 The 4 Gospels: Jesus Heals 10 Lepers Gil Bremseth The Four Gospels Sun Bible Study 071821_GBremseth_TheFourGospels_JesusHeals10Lepers.mp3
07/11/21 The 4 Gospels: Lazarus Raised From the Dead Gil Bremseth The Four Gospels Sun Bible Study 071121_GBremseth_TheFourGospels_LazarusRaisedFromTheDead.mp3
07/07/21 The Book of John: Ch.2 - The Miracle at Cana Gil Bremseth The Book of John Sun AM 070721_GBremseth_TheBookOfJohn_TheMiracleAtCana.mp3
07/04/21 The 4 Gospels: The Death of Lazarus Gil Bremseth The Four Gospels Sun Bible Study 070421_GBremseth_TheFourGospels_TheDeathOfLazarus.mp3
06/30/21 The Book of John: Ch.1 - Jesus Begins Choosing the Twelve Gil Bremseth The Book of John Wed Bible Study 063021_GBremseth_TheBookOfJohn_JesusBeginsChoosingTheTwelve.mp3
06/27/21 The 4 Gospels: The Death of Lazarus Gil Bremseth The Four Gospels Sun Bible Study 062721_GBremseth_TheFourGospels_TheDeathOfLazarus.mp3
06/20/21 The 4 Gospels: Unworthy Servants Gil Bremseth The Four Gospels Sun Bible Study 062021_GBremseth_TheFourGospels_UnworthyServants.mp3
06/16/21 The Book of John: Ch.1 - Testimony of John the Baptizer Gil Bremseth The Book of John Wed Bible Study 061621_GBremseth_BookOfJohn_Ch1_TestimonyOfJohnTheBaptizer.mp3

Displaying 276 - 300 of 508

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