Bible Classes

Bible Classes

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
12/10/23 The Book of James: Ch.5 - Oaths Gil Bremseth Book of James Sun Bible Study 121023_GBremseth_BookOfJames_Ch5_Oaths.mp3
12/06/23 Galatians: Ch.3 - Faith and Righteousness Mike Stepke Galatians Wed Bible Study 120623_MStepke_Galatians_Ch3_FaithAndRighteousness.mp3
12/03/23 I Am is Seeing James Majors I Am ... Sun PM 120323_JMajors_IAmIsSeeing.mp3
12/03/23 The Book of James: Ch.5 - The Endurance of Job Gil Bremseth Book of James Sun Bible Study 120323_GBremseth_BookOfJames_Ch5_TheEnduranceOfJob.mp3
11/30/23 Galatians: Ch.3 - Hearing by Faith Gil Bremseth Galatians Wed Bible Study 113023_GBremseth_Galatians_Ch3_HearingByFaith.mp3
11/26/23 The Book of James: Ch.5 - Suffering, Patience, and Job Gil Bremseth Book of James Sun Bible Study 112623_GBremseth_BookOfJames_Ch5_SufferingPatienceAndJob.mp3
11/22/23 Galatians: Ch.2 - The Effect of Peter's Hypocrisy Mike Stepke Galatians Wed Bible Study 112223_MStepke_Galatians_Ch2_TheEffectOfPetersHypocrisy.mp3
11/19/23 The Book of James: Ch.5 - Patience Gil Bremseth Book of James Sun Bible Study 111923_GBremseth_BookOfJames_Ch5_Patience.mp3
11/15/23 Galatians: Ch.2 - Peter's Sin Against the Gentiles Mike Stepke Galatians Wed Bible Study 111523_MStepke_Galatians_Ch2_PetersSinAgainstGentiles.mp3
11/12/23 The Book of James: Ch.5 James Majors Book of James Sun Bible Study 111223_JMajors_BookOfJames_Ch5_vs7.mp3
11/08/23 Galatians: Ch.2 - Paul Confronts Peter Mike Stepke Galatians Wed Bible Study 110823_MStepke_Galatians_Ch2_PaulConfrontsPeter.mp3
11/05/23 The Book of James: Ch.5 - Misusing Riches Gil Bremseth Book of James Sun Bible Study 110523_GBremseth_BookOfJames_Ch5_MisuseOfRiches.mp3
11/01/23 Galatians: Ch.2 - Paul Rebukes Peter Gil Bremseth Galatians Wed Bible Study 110123_GBremseth_Galatians_Ch2_PaulRebukesPeter.mp3
10/29/23 The Book of James: Ch.5 - Misuse of Riches Gil Bremseth Book of James Sun Bible Study 102923_GBremseth_BookOfJames_Ch5_MisuseOfRiches.mp3
10/25/23 Galatians: Ch.2 - Council at Jerusalem Mike Stepke Galatians Wed Bible Study 102523_MStepke_Galatians_Ch2_CouncilAtJerusalem.mp3
10/18/23 Galatians: Ch.2 - Spies of our liberty Mike Stepke Galatians Wed Bible Study 101823_MStepke_Galatians_Ch2_SpysOfOurLiberty.mp3
10/12/23 Galatians: Ch.1 - Paul Defends His Ministry Mike Stepke Galatians Wed Bible Study 101223_MStepke_Galatians_Ch1_PaulDefendsHisMinistry.mp3
10/09/23 The Book of James: Ch.4 - Things to Avoid Gil Bremseth Book of James Sun Bible Study 100923_GBremseth_BookOfJames_Ch4_ThingsToAvoid.mp3
10/05/23 Galatians: Ch.1 - Paul's Authority Mike Stepke Galatians Wed Bible Study 100523_MStepke_Galatians_Ch1_PaulsAuthority.mp3
10/01/23 The Book of James: Ch3 - Wisdom From Above Gil Bremseth Book of James Sun Bible Study 100123_GBremseth_BookOfJames_Ch4_ThingsToAvoid.mp3
09/27/23 Galatians: Ch.1 - Perversion of the Gospel Mike Stepke Galatians Wed Bible Study 092723_MStepke_Galatians_Ch1.mp3
09/24/23 The Book of James: Ch. 3 - Wisdom Gil Bremseth Book of James Sun Bible Study 092423_GBremseth_BookOfJames_Ch3_WisdomFromAbove.mp3
09/23/23 Galatians Ch. 1 Mike Stepke Galatians Wed Bible Study 092023_MStepke_Galatians_Ch1.MP3
09/17/23 The Book of James: Ch. 3 - Wisdom Gil Bremseth Book of James Gospel Meeting 091723_GBremseth_BookOfJames_Ch3v17_Wisdom.mp3
09/13/23 Galatians - Introduction Mike Stepke N/A Wed Bible Study 091323_MStepke_Galatians_Introduction.mp3

Displaying 76 - 100 of 508

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