Online Audio

Online Audio

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
05/07/23 Remember Your First Love James Majors Sermon N/A Sun PM 050723_JMajors_RememberYourFirstLove.mp3
05/07/23 The Gospel Gil Bremseth Sermon N/A Sun AM 050723_GBremseth_TheGospel.mp3
05/07/23 Book of James: Ch.1 - Asking in Faith Gil Bremseth Bible Class Book of James Sun Bible Study 050723_GBremseth_BookOfJames_Ch1_AskingInFaith.mp3
04/30/23 Fellowship Gil Bremseth Sermon N/A Sun AM 043023_GBremseth_Fellowship.mp3
04/30/23 Book of James: Ch.1 - The Testing of Your Faith Gil Bremseth Bible Class Book of James Sun Bible Study 043023_GBremseth_BookOfJames_Ch1_TheTestingOfYourFaith.mp3
04/30/23 Devotional Congregation Devotional Devotional Sun PM 043023_Devotional.mp3
04/26/23 The Book of John: Ch 17 - Jesus and God in Unison James Majors Bible Class The Book of John Wed Bible Study 042623_JMajors_BookOfJohn_Ch17_JesusAndGodInUnison.mp3
04/23/23 If You Had But One Chance To Preach The Gospel Mike Wooten Sermon N/A Sun PM 042323_MWooten_IfYouHadButOneChanceToPreachTheGospel.mp3
04/23/23 Burnt Offerings Gil Bremseth Sermon N/A Sun AM 042323_GBremseth_BurntOfferings.mp3
04/23/23 Book of James: Introduction Gil Bremseth Bible Class Book of James Sun Bible Study 042323GBremseth_James_Introduction.mp3
04/19/23 The Book of John: Ch 17 - The Prayer of Jesus James Majors Bible Class The Book of John Wed Bible Study 041923_JMajors_BookOfJohn_Ch17_ThePrayerOfJesus.mp3
04/16/23 Learning Obedience Mike Stepke Sermon N/A Sun PM 041623_MStepke_LearningObedience.mp3
04/16/23 Sin - The Mocker Gil Bremseth Sermon N/A Sun AM 041623_GBremseth_SinTheMocker.mp3
04/16/23 The 4 Gospels: Matt 28 - Go Make Disciples Gil Bremseth Bible Class The Four Gospels Sun Bible Study 041623_GBremseth_TheFourGospels_Matt28_GoMakeDisciples.mp3
04/12/23 The Book of John: Ch 16 - The Joy of Birth James Majors Bible Class The Book of John Wed Bible Study 041223_JMajors_TheBookOfJohn_Ch16_JoyOfBirth.mp3
04/09/23 The 4 Gospels: Matt 28 - The Great Commission Gil Bremseth Bible Class The Four Gospels Sun Bible Study 040923_GBremseth_TheFourGospels_Matt28_TheGreatCommission.mp3
04/09/23 Privilege and Obligation Gil Bremseth Sermon N/A Sun AM 040923_GBremseth_PrivilegeAndObligation.mp3
04/09/23 Feast of the First Fruits James Majors Sermon N/A Sun PM 040923_JMajors_FeastOfTheFirstFruits.mp3
04/05/23 The Book of John: Ch 16 - A Little While and You Won't See Me James Majors Bible Class The Book of John Wed Bible Study 040523_JMajors_BookOfJohn_Ch.16_ALittleWhileAndYouWontSeeMe.mp3
04/02/23 The Third Heaven Gil Bremseth Sermon N/A Sun AM 040223_GBremseth_TheThirdHeaven.mp3
04/02/23 The 4 Gospels: Jesus Appears Gil Bremseth Bible Class The Four Gospels Sun Bible Study 040223_GBremseth_TheFourGospels_Jn21_JesusAppears.mp3
04/02/23 A Fragrant Aroma to God James Majors Sermon N/A Sun PM 040223_JMajors_AFragrantAromaToGod.mp3
03/30/23 The Tower of Babel: The Pursuit of Self or God? Danny Matchniff Gospel Meeting Faith That Overcomes The World Gospel Meeting 031923_DMatchniff_TowerOfBabelThePursuitOfSelfOrGod.mp3
03/29/23 The Book of John: Ch 16 - Holy Spirit Promised James Majors Bible Class The Book of John Wed Bible Study 032923_JMajors_TheBookOfJohn_Ch.16_HolySpiritPromised.mp3
03/26/23 The Soldiers Charge Gil Bremseth Sermon N/A Sun AM 032623_GBremseth_TheSoldiersCharge.mp3

Displaying 226 - 250 of 1007

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